Determined to find something between the kvass and malaise of Chekhov's Three Sisters, an ensemble of twenty theatre artists attempt to reshape a four-act play into a website. Experimenting with dramatic forms in isolation, the project is an exploration of the structures that dominate theatre-making and a challenge to what defines performance.
Performance: Matthew Antoci, Matt Bader, GraceAnn Brooks, Nicolle Cooper, Ammon Downer, Jamie Feidner, Willow Giannotti-Garlinghouse, Abigail Hilditch, Emma Joy Hill, Oonagh Kelly, April Ella Lichtman, Robert Liniak, Lizz Mangan, Tyler Nowakowski, Kelly Shannon
Dramaturgy: Matthew Antoci, Beth Brownrigg, Julianna Iacovelli, Emma Joy Hilll, Lizz Mangan
Design: Willow Giannotti-Garlinghouse, Kelly Shannon, Adrianna Simmons, Xurui Wang
Website Design: Matthew Antoci, April Ella Lichtman